Cal Fire: Pacific Gas & Electric Responsible for Dixie Fire


Investigators with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection have determined Pacific Gas & Electric power lines started last summer’s Dixie Fire in Northern California that swept through five counties and burned more than 1,300 buildings.

The fire was caused by a tree hitting electrical distribution lines west of a dam in the Sierra Nevada on July 13, according to investigators.

The Butte County district attorney’s office will determine whether criminal charges should be filed. PG&E had previously announced that it suspected its equipment could be to blame.

See also  South Metro Fire Rescue PIO Wildfire Report


  Investigators with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection have determined Pacific Gas & Electric power lines started last summer’s Dixie Fire in Northern California that swept through five counties and burned more than 1,300 buildings. The fire was caused by a tree hitting electrical distribution lines west of a dam in the […]

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