Alpha Gala 2023 Prizes

Alpha Gala 2023 Prizes

On October 19, WATERAX attended the Alpha Gala in Montreal, QC. There, the company was presented two awards by the esteemed Chambre de commerce et d’Industrie de Saint Laurent – Mont Royal: Business of the Year and Innovators in Sustainable Technology. The WATERAX...

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What’s New for the MARK-3® Watson Edition Pump?

What’s New for the MARK-3® Watson Edition Pump?

MARK-3® WATSON Pump QPL Certification We're happy to share the news that the MARK-3® Watson Edition Pump has been officially qualified after being tested in accordance with the USDA Forest Service Specification 5100-274E. The pump is officially qualified as of...

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WATERAX Pumps – Innovating for Wildland Firefighters

WATERAX Pumps – Innovating for Wildland Firefighters

The MARK-3 Watson Edition pump was developed through a collaborative process directly with the Front Line. A few years ago, WATERAX embarked on a mission to enhance our flagship product, the MARK-3 portable high-pressure fire pump. But we knew that to truly create a...

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125 Years of Moving Water – WATERAX Portable Fire Pumps

125 Years of Moving Water – WATERAX Portable Fire Pumps

#WATERAX has a long history of Moving Water and after 125 years, our mission remains to place powerful, precision engineered lightweight portable pumps into the hands of our heroic wildland firefighters to move water to keep people safe, protect our forests and...

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MARK 3® Fire Pump Troubleshooting Basics

MARK 3® Fire Pump Troubleshooting Basics

#Troubleshooting #WATERAX #WeMoveWater A description of how to manage some of the most common scenarios that require troubleshooting a MARK-3® portable fire pump. #WATERAX #WeMoveWater #ReadyForWildfires #PumpOperations #MARK3Pump #WATERAXLive #Troubleshooting

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