Two Dozen San Diego-Area Firefighters Take Wildland Leadership Course Ahead of Upcoming Dry Season

Caleb Lunetta
The San Diego Union-Tribune

In anticipation of the dry months ahead when risk of wildfire is heightened, a group of firefighters from agencies across San Diego County trained Thursday in Chula Vista to receive the certification required to lead local wildland firefighting teams in the field.

A total of 24 students — half of whom were from the Chula Vista Fire Department — participated in the controlled-burn training that was held in an open field east of state Route 125 near Olympic Parkway, fire officials said.

To receive their Strike Team Leader certificate, the group had to use drip torches to ignite a brush fire in the designated area.

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They then had to lead an attack on the live fire with the help of five fire engines and 50 support personnel, Chula Vista Fire Capt. Eric D. Martinez said.

According to Martinez, the local training was one of only 10 expected to take place across all California fire agencies this year.

“The training is being held now before fire conditions become more dangerous,” Martinez said. “It serves as a reminder for all homeowners to prepare for peak fire season.”

Officials said they had notified nearby neighborhoods of the controlled burn and answered residents’ questions before the training occurred.

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Caleb Lunetta The San Diego Union-Tribune (TNS) In anticipation of the dry months ahead when risk of wildfire is heightened, a group of firefighters from agencies across San Diego County trained Thursday in Chula Vista to receive the certification required to lead local wildland firefighting teams in the field. A total of 24 students — half of whom were […]

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