A new engine for mixed environments

(HME Ahrens-Fox)
HME Ahrens-Fox – The next step in the evolution of the Ahrens-Fox WUI, Wildland Urban Interface – the AF-WUI2, headed for service with the Salem Township Fire Department, in Salem, Michigan.
Released to the industry in 2018, the AF-WUI offered departments with mixed environments the perfect balance of Type-1 Interface functionality and Type-3 capability. A high-clearance 4×4 chassis, wide Super-Single tires, hard-top coffin compartments, a clean, flat roof line, two booster reels, ground sweep nozzles we just a few of the features of this versatile woodland urban interface engine.
The AF-WUI also introduced the Ahrens-Fox Water Distribution System, designed to save space as well as positioning discharges around the truck.
The Salem Township Fire Department created their own version, the AF-WUI 2, by lengthening the wheelbase, enlarging the water tank to 700-gallons, adding roll-up doors and speed-lays.
For more information about the AF-WUI and other HME Wildland and Interface fire apparatus visit www.firetrucks.com