Oklahoma Wildfire Damage Estimated at $26M

Fires in April killed two people



By the Associated Press

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A report from Oklahoma State University says wildfires that scorched western and northwestern parts of the state and killed two in April caused an estimated $26 million in damage to livestock, pastures, fences and buildings.

A news release says the estimate by Derrell Peel of the Cooperative Extension Service will likely change as a more information is gathered.

Calculations are based on preliminary losses of about 1,600 head of cattle and damage to more than 2,100 miles of fencing.

Peel says the calculations don’t include losses to vehicles, farming equipment, homes or other personal property and that the losses could cause long-lasting financial impacts to the ranchers involved. Livestock prices aren’t expected to be affected.

See also  Burning Body Found at Ohio Brush Fire

Wildfires that burned from April 11-20 scorched 547 square miles (1417 sq. kilometers).

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Fires in April killed two people     By the Associated Press OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — A report from Oklahoma State University says wildfires that scorched western and northwestern parts of the state and killed two in April caused an estimated $26 million in damage to livestock, pastures, fences and buildings. A news release says […]

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