An FDIC 2018 training event
Todd McNeal
Twain Harte (CA) Fire Department
Wednesday, April 25, 2018 10:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
The class provides company officers and firefighters with the current tactical information necessary to accurately assess the fire’s potential impact on the threatened structure and the safety of the engine company. Among the topics covered are critical fire behavior and the safest and most efficient initial tactical actions for the first-arriving responder or the company officer. The primary focus is on rapid recognition of fire threats and correctly selecting from a variety of tactical actions the most appropriate one with which to begin managing the incident.
The lecture will be delivered in three basic categories: First will be a review of the current conditions and threats facing all personnel operating in the WUI.
Second will be a a detailed review of the triage categories, the criteria by which an individual places each structure in a category and a discussion/review of the tactical actions required to operate. The final segment will be an application of the reviewed and discussed information by showing pictures and videos and the entire class will discuss the conditions and triage the structures displayed.
Learning Objectives:
Review of Wildland Urban Interface dangers
Understanding fire behavior in the wildland fire environment
Review of structure triage categories
Selection of tactical actions based on structure threat
Recognition of extreme fire behavior potential
Evaluation of crew safety during a WUI incident and performing structure defense
Topographic spatial awareness