Meet Arizona’s All-Female Firefighting Crew

Female inmates from Perryville prison complex give back




SCOTTSDALE, AZ (ABC15) – Twenty women from the Perryville prison complex make up the only all-female inmate firefighting crew in the state.

“I’ve learned so much about myself — how strong I am,” Elizabeth Gama told ABC15 while working on a maintenance project in north Scottsdale. Gama was sent to Perryville in 2014 after a drug-related conviction and joined the Perryville crew last year.

“It’s a way of giving back to the community,” she said. “We’re trying to repair what we’ve done before.”

See also  Carr Fire Green Sheet


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Female inmates from Perryville prison complex give back   (ABC15/YouTube)   SCOTTSDALE, AZ (ABC15) – Twenty women from the Perryville prison complex make up the only all-female inmate firefighting crew in the state. “I’ve learned so much about myself — how strong I am,” Elizabeth Gama told ABC15 while working on a maintenance project in […]

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